Dr Twilley

Dr. Twilley

Dr. Dan Twilley received a Bio-Psychology degree from the University of Georgia in 1978. Dr. Twilley then graduated with his Doctorate from the program at Life Chiropractic College in Marietta, Georgia. He was immediately licensed and began practicing Chiropractic in Chattanooga, Tennessee located in the Highway 58 area for almost 30 years.


Our philosophy

We tailor a specific plan of action to meet every patient’s needs, goals, and unique medical and physical condition. Treatments will involve manipulation and bone adjustments. But we also educate our patients on ergonomic, soft tissue work, and exercise techniques which can be more than critical to a good outcome. Our goal is to help you understand how to take care of your body to improve your quality of life and live pain free.

Your Health

Chiropractic treatment is as essential to health as dental health, digestive health, cardiac health, respiratory health or any other type of health care for any other part of the human body. Treatment is directed at healing the symptoms caused by inflammation of the tissues of the human body associated with the musculoskeletal system; structural health care.